Saturday, January 10, 2009

THE ADVENTURE: Something like an itinerary


Something like an itinerary

February 9-26 Tucson,
stay with grand Anat Baniel practitioner, Heidi Lawson
2749 E. 4th St,
Tucson, Arizona, 85716

February 26-March 26:
stay with family of special needs child
Fredda and Lee Hicks
3088 Marne dr
Atlanta, Georgia 30305

March 28- April 5:
Anat Baniel Training in Northern California
Segment 10:
perhaps a week in Northern Calif at each side of each Anat Baniel Training:
so March 22- April 13 in Northern California

address for this time:
c/o Carol
482 York Court
Sonoma, Ca. 95476

April 15-May14:
time with grand Feldenkrais Practitioner
Jandy Berman and her farmer boyfriend, Bob
in Arcata, California

May 15- June 12, July 1-27
Orcas Island, Washington
with Anat Baniel Practitioner Christopher Evans
and his family
including a special needs sweetie

34 Bonnie Brae Land
Orcas Island, WA 98245

June 18- June27:
Anat Baniel
Mastery Training for Special Needs Children,

segment one

July 28-
end of September:
Gunnison, Colorado
and hanging with nature folk,
the mountains
and high school buddy
Mark Ritter

175 Roundtree
Gunison, CO 81230

other Anat Baniel trainings
and possibe Bay Area times
around them:

The various other times of these trainings/
Northern California returns are:

June 20-28 , Segment One, Mastery Training for Special Needs Children,
so June 13- July 5 in Nothern California

Oct 3-11, Segment Two, Childen,
so Sept 28-Oct 18 in Northern California

Jan 7-19, 2020 Segment 3,
so Dec 31-Jan 26th in Northern Calif.

April 10-18, Segment One, High Performers,
so April 3-27 in Northern California

July 10-18, 2010, Segment Two, High Performers:
so July 3-July 25 in Northern California

Sometime to be announced:
High Performers:

more to

now looking for more than a month
and at least 10 people set up
partially prepaid
and ready for 6 to 8 lessons
over a two week span

you have an idea???

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Chris,
    Maybe I could host you in Cambridge. I am starting up an affordable community Feldenkrais work or some such, maybe you could help, as I like the way you think.

    And we could trade lessons, I would like to know what Anat is up to in her teachings...

    And we could do some Byron Katie work, I guess September would be the first month you are available? otherwise, yes back in San Miguel de Allende in November, may teach "Bones in Chairs" which is a lot of fun!

    All the zest in your soujourn,


    Good luck on your travels...
